Ports Invite Comment on Clean Truck Rate Draft Economic Study

New report examines potential impacts on goods movement industry The public is invited to comment on a draft economic study conducted to assist in establishing a Clean Truck Rate that will help the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles meet a goal of a zero-emissions truck fleet by 2035.

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Clean Truck Program Rate Workshop Set For Dec. 18

Ports to present rate proposal that Harbor Commissions will consider The workshop will be webcast live on Dec. 18 at 9 a.m. at www.polb.com/webcast See the presentation from the workshop The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will host a public workshop on Dec. 18 to present a proposed

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Cargo-Handling Equipment Assessment Released

Reviews available technology, incorporates industry feedback The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have released a report on the current state of clean cargo-handling equipment technology as they begin working toward the Clean Air Action Plan’s 2030 goal of a zero-emissions fleet at the nation’s largest seaport complex. Download

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Ports Host CAAP Public Advisory Meeting Oct. 3

Third this year set for Oct. 3 in Long Beach A meeting to present the progress of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan 2017 Update is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 3, in Long Beach. Up to four CAAP stakeholder advisory meetings a year were called for as part of

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Ports Host Clean Truck Program Rate Workshop Aug. 1

Public invited to presentation on current status and to provide input The ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles will host a workshop on Aug. 1 to solicit feedback and input on a rate structure that will incentivize modernizing the San Pedro Bay truck fleet to further reduce air pollution

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Clean Air Action Plan Public Advisory Meeting Set for June 25

Second public advisory meeting of 2019 to be held in Wilmington The second advisory meeting of 2019 to offer information on progress of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) 2017 Update is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, in Wilmington. Up to four CAAP stakeholder advisory meetings

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Ports Welcome Comments on Cargo Handling Equipment Study

Public may submit feedback through May 31 The public is invited to comment on a draft assessment of new cargo-handling equipment technology that will help the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles reduce air pollution and reach the ambitious zero-emissions goals set by the Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP).

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Ports Issue Final Clean Trucks Assessment

Study evaluates state of technology, responds to community feedback The ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles have released a final report on the feasibility of deploying clean truck technology to begin meeting the ambitious zero-emissions goals set by the Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP). Download the final drayage trucks

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2018 TAP Annual Report Now Available

The 2018 Annual Report for the Technology Advancement Program, or TAP, is now available. The report highlights accomplishments in 2018 and priorities for 2019 as the San Pedro Bay Ports make progress toward zero emissions. Download the report here.

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Clean Air Action Plan Public Advisory Meeting Set for March 13

First public advisory meeting of 2019 to be held in Long Beach The first advisory meeting of 2019 to offer information on progress of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan 2017 Update (CAAP 2017 Update) is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13, in Long Beach. Up to four

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